John Wick Producer Teases Upcoming John Wick Video Game

Earlier today, Collider released an article detailing an interview with John Wick Producer Erica Lee. In this interview, Lee announced that the production of a John Wick video game is in the works and when asked about a potential release date she said: “I think it’s soon. I mean, we’re deeply working on it, so it’s not years away.” Although little else was explained about the game, this teaser of information leads much to the imagination as the John Wick world is rich with lore and action to mold into a video game.

John Wick as a franchise started with the first John Wick movie back in 2014. Since its release, the franchise has taken off, with Variety noting that the first three movies combined have approximately made collective $600 million in the global box office, and the fourth movie is expected to have a 60-70 million dollar box office opening weekend, which will be the highest of any of the John Wick movies so far.

Capitalizing off of the success of the franchise is something that has been on the minds of those producing the series, as Lee also stated that there will also be a spin-off film and tv series that will continue to expand the lore of the John Wick world. A video game seems like a reasonable next step, however very little is known about the game itself.

Beyond the knowledge that a video game is in production, Lionsgate has kept its cards very close to its chest in regard to anything related to the game itself. Lionsgate has the potential to release some information about the upcoming game at this year’s E3, however, nothing has confirmed of them doing so. Although no information has been confirmed for the video game, it is still exciting to know that a John Wick game is in the works and apparently not years away from completion.

Alex Balderston: I am a news writer with a love of all things video games. My dad got me into video games at four years old with Backyard Baseball and since then I have been hooked. I have a sweet spot for Nintendo games, however I am always looking for the new games to spark my interest.
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