If Movies Were Given Reviews Like Games Are

Get it? It’s Mario being a critic…HILARIOUS!

Video games have long been the red-headed step child in the eyes of older entertainment media such as books and movies.  But what if movies where given the same type of review treatment as video games? Dennis Farrell over at Something Awful decided to give it a try with War Z starring Brad Pitt, having some pretty fantastic results.  In discussing graphics he points out, “It has all sorts of cool effects like shadows, sunbeams pouring through windows, and impressive reflections on shiny surfaces”.  But as in any good review one has to note the faults, “My seat had a bit of a wobble to it, so I could never quite get comfortable.”  One wonders if he is going to get the same amount of hate mail from movie fans as he would have from game fans for not giving it a perfect score.

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