The Humble Monthly Bundle for January was released today, and if you’re a subscriber, then it was a very good day. Headlined by Tomb Raider and Sleeping Dogs, gamers who paid just $12 dollars for their subscription last month are the proud owners of nearly $200 worth of titles—a pretty routine figure for the monthly package.
The first bundle of 2018 contains the same mix of triple-A games and smaller indie gems, as is tradition for the company. Quantum Break, The Long Dark, Dawn of War III, Hiveswap: Act 1, Mr. Shifty, Cursed Castilla, and Hitch Hiker round out the package, and there’s a lot of value in that selection. If you aren’t subscribed already, you unfortunately won’t be able to get in on the action. However, what Humble Bundle has cooked up for February is sure to turn a few heads—and generate plenty of new subs.
Unlocked immediately upon a $12 subscription is Civilization VI, along with its Australia and Vikings DLC. Not only is this a great dollar value—the game in its base form has never dropped below $30 on Steam—but an insanely high dollar-per-gameplay-hour value. Any installment of Civilization can guarantee hundreds of hours of gameplay, but with the Rise and Fall expansion on the way, the sixth iteration has a long life ahead of it.
Without even knowing what else is included in the February Monthly Bundle, it’s already an incredible deal. It’s not our mission at MXDWN to advertise or endorse purchases, but considering the good that Humble Bundle does for developers and the absurd savings available, there is no better time to become a monthly subscriber.