How Just Cause 4 Adds New Destructive Elements To The Series

Just Cause 4 isn’t just another run of the mill sequel into an already beloved series. This installment introduces some crazy new mechanics and features to the franchise. A couple things that won’t chance within this game is the return of protagonist Rico Rodriguez, who will be continuing his fight against the Black Hand mercenaries in all out battle within the South American nation of Solis.

Also, Rodriguez will still be sporting his trademark leather jacket, wingsuit, and grappling hook. Now that we’ve covered the familiarities of the game, it’s time to talk about what makes Just Cause 4 different than the other entries within the series. This version of the country Solis has been created in the upgraded Apex open world engine. This engine will introduces new particle effects, wind, textures, destruction and many other futures that make the game a drastically new look and feel.

Solis also has different elemental biomes that each have their own distinct climate. These climates can range from grassy plains, icy tundras, blazing deserts, to teeming rainforests. Another new addition that the Apex engine brings is the introduction of extreme weather. Just as light wind has been brought into the game, this wind can actually turn into giant tornados that devastate any and everything within it’s wake. Extreme weather will take place in more forms in one and will be unique to each of the different biomes.

Rodriguez will not only have the Blackhand soldiers but also will have to fend off blizzards, lightning storms, and sand storms as well. As far as destruction goes, players can get more creative than ever with how they choose to devastate buildings, structures and vehicles. Rodriguez has been given brand new tools such as tether ballons which allow players to suspend objets in mid air or allow them to follow Rodriguez.

The grappling hook has been made completely customizable as well and lets players mix and match attachments to truly make for creative and destructive combat throughout the environment. Just Cause 4 is set to release on the Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC on  December 4 2018.

Yammarii Long: My name is Yammarii, I am a 24 year old graduate from Union University. I majored in Digital Media Communications with a minor in Communication Studies. I have interests in writing, directing, editing, photography, graphic design, and all sorts of other things. I am a video game enthusiast with a passion for pop culture that loves to stay up to date with whats going on in today's world of gaming.
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