It has been announced that the game Homeworld 3 is being delayed. It was announced on the website for the game on February 8th that the game was being delayed and pushed up to May 13th of this year. The game was originally slated to be released on Steam in March and before that, it was supposed to have an “early release” in 2023.
Homeworld 3 Is being published by Gearbox Publishing and developed by Blackbird Interactive. The game is a Strategy sci-fi game that continues the story from Homeworld 2. In the game, players will experience “3D space, battle through fleet combat and so much more. In Homeworld 3, the Galaxy “is being threatened by a mystery” and “Karen is the the key to that mystery”.
Blackbird Interactive and Gearbox put out a statement explaining the delay of Homeworld 3. You can find the statement on the game’s official website. This is some of what BlackBird Interactive and Gearbox had to say regarding the delay:
Watching you share your experiences, exchange and debate strategies, and give us constant feedback has been incredible. This was our first time seeing the game played at scale, which is always an equally thrilling and nerve-wracking moment.
We also recently gathered a dedicated group of players from outside our organizations to play through the full game. This resulted in additional insights and perspectives that will be incorporated to make Homeworld 3 the best experience possible.
After careful analysis of feedback, we made the decision to delay the global launch of Homeworld 3 until May 13, with advanced access set for May 10, to ensure that we’re making the final tweaks needed to deliver at the level of quality that we strive for and you deserve.
In the end, they said they would keep everyone “updated on their progress”. They also said that they were “appreciative of how patient players have been”. So players you’re going to have to wait a little bit longer for this game but it coming your way soon. if you want to stay up to date on Homeworld 3 you can check out the game’s Steam page and you can also check the game’s official website for updates.