Hide or Die: A Game Focused on Corruption

Hide or Die holds the typical elements of an asymmetrical game; being a 1 vs 15 and forcing players to adapt to their environment to survive. However, Hide or Die will have a sneakier trait that will leave players bewildered on who to trust and who to hide from.

The light is a player’s salvation, and they must do everything in their power to find and hold onto it, or else they face an irreversible corruption from the darkness. In Hide or Die, players will be released from an underground bunker and set a loose to find their way out of the killer labyrinth. They must trust in their teammates to survive the seemingly inescapable maze, but at the risk of being vulnerable to one corrupted traitor.

During the gameplay, we are witnessing a first person point of view type of horror. What is astounding about the game is that it does not rely on dramatic chase music and scripted dialogue. Instead, players will be forced to endure the eerily disturbing silence of a forest, and will only be granted the comforting sounds of chirping birds, croaking frogs, and panicked breathing. But the player will eventually be utterly alone, only able to find solace in a taser gun. Hide or Die is incredibly terrifying, as it perfectly puts the unlucky player in the shoes of a powerless survivor. They will be stuck in the world of the killer, desperately searching for the safety of the light.

Back on May 14, VecFour Digital announced that Hide or Die would be available to support on Kickstarter, and as of yesterday, the campaign is now live. All of this has given players a concrete glimpse of not only what’s to come, but how dedicated they are to releasing their final product with their fan’s support.

The game has a goal of being released in October of 2018, but as of now it currently holds a pledge of $19, 455 of $54, 500. Until its goal is reached, Hide or Die looks like it will continue to amp up its horror and show players what it is really like to survive for their lives.

Deja Randle: Aspiring creative writer and avid gamer. I am either spending my time reading, writing, or getting countless kills in my favorite fighting games. I love staying up to date on the latest gaming innovations, and enjoy sharing that news with people who have the same interest.
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