Helldivers 2 Rated M for Mature By ESRB, Could Possibly Release This October

One of the more anticipated sequels of 2023 has just been given its rating page. Helldivers 2 has received an official rating from the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB). The title will be labeled with the M for Mature rating, which is level above the T for Teen rating that the previous entry received back in 2015. The rating describes the game with players being able to destroy enemies by “causing additional blood-splatter effects and dismemberment.” In addition, a source from Inside Gaming claims that the game could launch this October.

The rating further states that the title has significant gun mechanics along with realistic battle scenarios. “Combat is accompanied by realistic gunfire, cries of pain, and blood-splatter effects,” the rating explains. As we already mentioned, this is a big increase of supposed violence compared to the first Helldivers. While there was gun and blood in the first game, the rating suggests that it ups the ante exponentially, and brings in a much more intense experience for players. The game was initially revealed during the PlayStation Showcase back in May.

As for the potential October release, this comes from Inside Gaming’s source who claims that they received a Sony partnership program mission briefing containing this information. According to their source, creators are specifically told to “mention that the game will be released in October.”

While this is exciting to hear, it’s still important to note that neither Sony nor developer Arrowhead Game Studios have many any official response or comment to the situation, and they more than likely won’t until they’re ready to unveil it themselves. Still, it’s great to see that Helldivers 2 will still potentially release sometime this year, and we can’t wait to get our hands on it.

Alex Levine: I like to write about video games, movies, tv shows, and other types of creatively imaginative alleyways and avenues. Currently assessing how long it will take to complete a new book.
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