The Year of the Raven is almost upon us, and with it, The Witchwood will be creeping its way into Hearthstone. To commemorate the rest of the cards being revealed, Game Director Ben Brode and internet personality Sean “Day[9]” Plott will go over each card from The Witchwood set next week during a stream on Twitch.
According to a press release provided, the complete reveal stream will kick off at 11AM PST on April 9. While all of the cards have been revealed, the stream will serve as a way for players to get a little more information and thought process behind each card introduced. Some cool cards to keep an eye out for are Chameleos, Tess Greymane, Emeris, and Forest Guide. While their usefulness might vary, their card designs can result in some potentially hilarious or amazing plays. Chameleos has the potential to use a strong or annoying minion against your opponent, Tess Greymane can cause some mayhem similarly to Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End, Emeriss will beef up your entire hand and can make your entire hand swing for lethal, and Forest Guide will function similarly to Coldlight Oracle and Jeeves.
Some cards will definitely have a much bigger impact on the upcoming meta, and those cards could potentially be the following: Town Crier, Mossy Horror, Hunting Mastiff, and Face Collector. Town Crier will be a must-play card in potential upcoming Warrior Rush Decks, as its early playability will ensure that their hand will be full of rush cards. Mossy Horror will be an excellent mid-game board clear against many aggro decks. Although it won’t be a must-have in every deck, it will find its way into more niche decks to deal with aggro decks at certain ranks and levels of play. Hunting Mastiff will find usefulness in a similar vein as Unleash the Hounds. Although more costly, it can help with late game board states without the need for many enemy minions. Face Collector might find strong potential in adding a legendary minion that can turn the tides of battle. To sweeten the deal, the card scales from the early game to the late game, netting you anywhere from one to three legendary minions in a single turn.
The new set will bring a total of 135 cards for players to mess around with. In total so far, there are 7 Druid cards, 8 Hunter cards, 4 Mage cards, 5 Paladin cards, 6 Priest cards, 9 Rogue cards, 5 Shaman cards, 5 Warlock cards, 9 Warrior cards, and 22 neutral cards. All cards can currently be viewed on the official page for The Witchwood. For those who want to get ahead of the curve, the offer for 50 packs of cards from The Witchwood still stands. Act quickly, for the release date of The Witchwood is just around the corner, and this offer will go away once the set is released.
Also, those who log onto Hearthstone once the set launches will receive three free packs from The Witchwood. From those three packs, there is a guaranteed legendary that will surely help players find a decent start for a new deck. In addition, there will be quests to obtain more card packs come launch, so ready your torches and prime your crossbows for April 12, for the journey into The Witchwood will be a perilous one.