With Hearthstone recently releasing their Scholomance Academy expansion this past week. The developers at Hearthstone revealed that they will be releasing their newest update that has potentially brought so much change to the popular game. The update will be Hearthstones patch 18.2.0, with these notes players will notice some of the changes will be coming from the cards in the battlegrounds mode, redefining the cost on some of the major cards that are in development, and also some bug fixes.
The 18.0.2 update is now live on Desktop and Mobile! https://t.co/CfVjRbtiQK
— Hearthstone (@PlayHearthstone) August 18, 2020
On the official Hearthstone website, they discussed furthermore about the significant changes that have occurred in the Battlegrounds update that will happen in the game. With the Battlegrounds Minion updates, players will see Gentle Megagaur being removed from the Battleground minion pool, and also Arcane Cannon has been removed as well. Then for the Battlegrounds Hero updates, Lady Vashj has been removed from the Battleground Hero pool.
One of the major changes that will be coming to the game is certain Battleground modes cards will be having their Tiers changing. Hearthstones Rat Pack went from Tier 2 to becoming Tier 3 and the Beast should be getting some need help with the Pack Leader which will be given up 3 attacks to moving up to Tier 2. With Rabid Saurolisk is receiving a boost that will add more attack points which is making the card 5/1. The Maonstrous Macaw will be going from 3/2 attacks and defense to a 4/2.
Stated on the Hearthstone update page on Bugs fixes and Game Improvements, they fixed a visual bug with Archwitch Willos’s play animation and also where Southsea Strongarm was showing incorrect art. They fixed where casting Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron will Rattlegore on board would cause the game to freeze and finally several technical bugs that would cause the game to crash. Players can now enjoy Hearthstone’s new update patch 18.0.2 now on PC and mobile devices.