Hearthstone: Forged In The Barrens Cards Revealed

For the next two weeks, Blizzard has been opening the curtains on what players can expect for the next expansion of Hearthstone, Forged in the BarrensThe expansion is set to release at the end of the month on March 30. Coming into the game with this expansion is the keyword frenzy. Frenzy cards have a one-time effect that starts when a minion takes damage. A total of 135 new cards will be coming into the game. Also coming during this expansion is the new Core set that will replace the base cards with a new curated selection of 235 cards, including 160 class cards and 75 neutral cards. Plus, a new Classic Format will be available for players to choose from. Classic Format lets players craft decks with the original cards that were released when Hearthstone launched in 2014.

Since March 16, a total of 44 cards have been revealed. You can follow the reveal schedule to see when the next cards will be revealed next. The final card reveal will take place on March 22 at 10 AM PDT on Hearthstone’s Twitch and YouTube page. On the next day, March 23, Hearthstone creators will showcase the new set and their respective contest-winning decks on their personal streaming channels. They will be using at least 10 Forged in the Barrens cards in each deck they play. Private pre-release Fireside Gatherings will take place the weekend before the expansion goes live. On March 26, at 10 AM PDT – March 29 at 10 AM PDT, players can have a chance to rip open their Forged in the Barrens card packs from the safety of their own homes before the expansion officially unlocks on March 30.

In addition, pre-release will also have Fireside Brawls that you can participate in to play with the new cards. Forged in the Barrens No Cards Barred! Brawl, players can construct decks using the cards you open during the pre-release event. There will be no restrictions on class or duplicates. There will also be A Recipe for Tenacity, a pre-constructed Brawl that includes new deck recipes from the upcoming set that players can play with. Pre-purchased packs are not necessary to play this Brawl.

3/29 Update

The card list has been updated to include all the cards revealed for the Forged in the Barrens expansion.

Some of the highlights of the 135 new cards include Field Contact which lets you draw a card after playing a Battlecry or Combo card. Barak Kodobane is a 5 cost with 3 attack and 5 health that lets you draw a 1, 2, and 3 cost spell. Razormane Battleguard’s ability makes the first Taunt minion you play each turn cost 2 less. Kazakus, Golem Shaper lets you build a custom Golem if your deck has no 4 cost cards. Sword of the Fallen will cast a Secret from your deck after your hero attacks. Outrider’s Axe lets you draw a card after your hero attacks and kills a minion. Far Watch Post can make things frustrating for your opponent as it increases the cost of a card by 1 after they draw a card, up to 10. Spawnpool Forager has a Deathrattle that will summon a 1/1 Tinyfin. Sigil of Flame deals 3 damage to all minions at the start of your next turn. Xyrella is a Legendary minion that lets you deal damage to all enemy minions with the same amount of health that gets restored during the turn.



Paul David Nuñez: I love to escape my reality with books, music, television, movies, and games. If I'm not doing anything important, I'm probably doing one of these things. P.S. The Matrix Has You
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