Hearthstone’s new expansion, releasing on the 1st of August, is all about legendary Titans. Each class receives a Titan that has three separate abilities. Titans cannot attack at first but instead have abilities you can choose from. Players must choose carefully however as each class specific Titan can use an ability only once. After the effect is used up, they can then attack normally.
In addition to Titans are legendary keepers. Each keeper is class specific and has a devastating effect. For instance, the Hunter class will receive ‘Hodir, Father of Giants.’ Hodir’s effect allows the next three minions played to be 8/8 in stats. Each minion played keeps their effect. For example, if a minion has rush they will still keep the rush ability in becoming an 8/8.
In this new expansion is a new keyword: Forge. In the lore, “keepers were tasked with using mighty forges to create and shape life on Azeroth.” For the cost of two mana, cards are enhanced with an improved ‘forge’ version. Forged cards have a range of new abilities like a buff to its stats or an added ability like Rush.
Also returning in this expansion is the keyword ‘Magnetic.’ As for the lore, “the Titans of Azeroth were blessed with advanced technology. These technology were used to build complex machinery and mechanical beings.” These mechanical beings incorporate the returning minion designation of ‘mech.’ With the magnetic ability, mechs are able to combine to enhance their stats and add effects into a single card. For example, if a mech has the designation of ‘Taunt’ and another mech has only raw stats, the magnetic attribute molds the cards into a single minion with the same stats and taunt. Other abilities like ‘divine shield’ and rush are also molded into a single card when two mechs combine.
Mark your calendar for the 1st of August and get ready to battle with and against the Titans of Azeroth!