Heart of the Storm Black Friday: Everything 50% off, plus Stimpack deals

Long time behemoth game developing company, Blizzard, is looking to participate in the season of giving. Heart of the Storm fans can look forward to huge Black Friday sale, starting as of today, Nov. 24th, until Dec. 8th. Everything in the game shop will be 50% off. That’s right, Heroes fans, that’s everything in game–skins, mounts, and heroes–at half off! And the offer covers ALL REGIONS.

The deal will extend for two weeks, and will also include what Blizzard is calling a “Second Chance Bundle” which includes a bunch of fun goodies like: Winter Veil Jaina, Greatfather Winter Rehgar, Reigndeer Mount, Nazeebra Mount, Lunar Tiger Mount, and Magic Carpet Mount.

Most excitingly, today Blizzard launched their most avidly advertised deal for Black Friday: a 360 Day Stimpack–which is really just a cute way of “XP Boost”–at, what they are claiming, a “deeply discounted price.” The Stimpack is set currently at $60.00 USD. With it, you can level up your account OR put it towards leveling up all of your characters–which is useful for both casually and dedicated players. Leveling your characters allows you to accumulate gold, and the ability to  receive new skins or unlock new mounts. Once you reach level 10, HotS allows you to buy Master Skins with in game gold (so pinch those pennies, guys). The Stimpack, unlike the half-off in game sale, is not a deal that will last two weeks. Blizzard cautions fans, saying the Stimpack is “a limited-time item that will ONLY be available during the Black Friday Sale.”

If you are a diehard Heart of the Storm fan, this deal is definitely worth your time. Pick it up while the savings are still going on. Simply strike fast when you log into your HotS account. The Stimpack will only be available for a few days and is priced at $60.

Additional HotS Black Friday deals will be ongoing until Dec. 8th.

Sandra Hahn: A writer who spends too much time playing Dragon Age. Known bibliophile, and graduate in Creative Writing from UC Riverside. Can be found lurking @SandeelizHahn on Twitter.
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