Have You Played Super Mario Maker Yet?

It must be the year of the plumbers. Nintendo’s newest edition to the Mario Franchise is turning heads to Nintendo and Mario fans alike. That’s right Super Mario Maker is all the Mario level design and creation game is out now. Get ready to design, create, and download more free content than you could have ever imagined.

It’s been a smash hit with sales, on twitch, with gamers, and almost universally with game critics. This game not only features the classic super Mario Bros look but also gives you the super Mario Brothers 3, Super Mario World, and New Super Mario Brothers U look. According to Nintendo Life people are purchasing the Wii U itself just to get a slice at this Mario Bros phenomenon.

What can you do with Super Mario Maker? You can play Nintendo designed levels including 100 Mario Challenge. You can grab your Wii U tablet with what IGN has claimed is a super easy and fun level design system and easily create Mario levels of all kinds with your stylus. You can create everything from lava, to space, to levels with nothing but spikes and hundreds of enemies. Many people are sharing levels with friends and even joining the online community which has the juiciest features of the game.

You can download all kinds of levels from people who cloned the original game levels, to something that looks like it would be more out of the Metroid universe.  Each level has a detailed layout, difficulty, and shows how many people have beaten it. The possibilities are endless and according to IGN over one million playable levels are available for download. By playable, I mean you cannot upload a level unless you have beat it yourself. This is just the beginning as it is expected that much more  DLC, items, and game play features will be added to keep it interesting even after you beat that insane level.

There’s something about upping the challenge though that makes this game so great. It seems many people out there don’t want to play 1-1 worlds. They are out there to challenge each other at some of the craziest, most imaginative, and hardest courses that can be made. Without checkpoints and limited time and lives this is quite a fun challenge.

There is already a plethora of content from usable items, to special characters to make you have the time of your life going back for the tenth time beating that crazy fire flames, flying enemies, and spikes combo level. Or for the more casual player lots of basic and fun levels made for people of all ages.

The biggest downside is some people do not like repetitive difficulty. Also not all building content is available until you beat some of the local game content. If you grew up on any of these classic games, want to show your kids the game, or are new to the Mario Universe, Super Mario Maker has a lot of fun 2d platforming content. If you are not convinced check out the video below from Nintendo!

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