Supergiant Games has given an update on the first patch for Hades II, the sequel to the popular roguelike that was shadow dropped into Early Access last week, which will include bug fixes, improved movement, and balance changes.
Supergiant detailed the update in a post on Steam, where they confirmed that the patch would be dropping sometime later this month, though they did not specify exactly when.
Since the game’s launch, the team has been adding hotfixes to prevent crashes and bugs that stop players from progressing.
They have also been collecting data and feedback from players to improve the balance of the game’s boons, weapons, and enemy types, though they do not plan to make any major changes to the balance until players have spent more time with the game.
“If you were with us for the Early Access development of the original game, you know we love making balance changes!” the post said. “We’re always looking for opportunities to make the content and choices in the game as interesting as we can. However, we’re still gathering feedback and data that helps inform the kind of changes we like to make, so don’t expect too many such changes just yet.”
In addition to these improvements, the team is working on a few quality-of-life changes that can be accomplished quickly.
They aim to make resource gathering less frustrating so that players can focus on the goals that are most important to them without worrying about bringing incorrect tools on a run.
They are also working to make Melinoë’s movement more distinct from Zagreus, the first game’s protagonist. Her Dash and Sprint will be affected to make her more nimble, responsive, and expressive.
Finally, the team said that there would likely be a second small patch early into the game’s life to address similar short-term fixes. The first major content update will release a few months from now.
“Early Access has already been incredibly instructive to us about ways in which we might make Hades II the best it can be,” the post finishes. “We really appreciate you playing and taking the time to share your impressions with us!”