Guilty Gear Strive’s Latest Character Revealed: A.B.A Returns

Arc System Works latest installment in their iconic Guilty Gear series, Guilty Gear Strive, continues to chug along with an expansive roster full of colorful characters both new and old. Yesterday, as part of their Season 3 DLC roster hey released the third character for the season, one many vets of the Guilty Gear series undoubtedly appreciate returning, but one many people really didn’t think would ever come back: the creepy homunculous, A.B.A.

Joining Johnny and Elphelt as a returning character from the series’ history making their Strive debut in the third season, ABA returns along with her husband (a giant demon key named Paracelsus) and her signature creepy cadence and attire, complete with dark eyebags, though it seems like she’s had a dye job since her last appearance in Guilty Gear XX, instead sporting long green hair instead of her old shorter red hair.

As always, ArcSys released the ABA trailer alongside a short general guide on how to play the character:

It’s shown that ABA is reliant on a “Jealousy” meter to unlock her full potential, which she can built with certain moves on block or hit. The crux of her moveset seems to revolve around putting her in a “Jealous” state to enhance her speed and power, but will run out if her Jealousy meter runs out, meaning she’s probably a higher skill character revolving around resource management to maximize how long and how optimally she can stay in her Jealous state and remain a stronger character.

But until players get a hold of ABA in training mode, we won’t know for sure. If you want to try your hands at playing this weirdo then look forward to her release in about 5 days on March 26th. Or, if you don’t already own Guilty Gear Strive but ABA and her demon key axe/husband have really won you over be sure to get it now on Playstations 4 and 5, Xbox ONE and Series X|S, or on PC through Steam.

Derek Lairmore: I've been playing video games and writing my entire life, so naturally I decided to combine the two passions. I love video games and video game culture, as far back as I can remember I've not only played them, I've actively participated in their communities. I hope my history in this hobby and my enthusiasm for writing helps me convey news to you accurately and succinctly.
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