GTA V Gameplay Trailer Promises Larger, More Interactive Game World

The spectacular gameplay trailer for GTA V has finally arrived, showcasing the next generation of sandbox mayhem. We all know and love GTA as the franchise that allows you, maybe even encourages you, to mow down citizens in an ice cream truck, but GTA V will take the series to the NEXT LEVEL! Now you can play couples tennis with your wife’s horrible friends, or take your asshole kid on a bike ride. YEAAAAAAHHH, FAMILY BIKE RIDE MOTHER F**KERS!

Grand Theft Auto: The Lost Vikings introduces a revolutionary game mechanic allowing players to switch between characters mid-mission that, according to the placid and emotionless lady narrator, “helps to give missions new levels of diversity and intensity.”

You’ll also be able to switch between characters outside of missions, which will act as a window into their mundane/bat-shit insane lives. You could assume control of a character only to find them in the middle of an insane five star police chase, or ON A MOTHER F**KING BIKE RIDE! Presumably, if GTA V is going to take a stab at being realistic, all 3 characters will be masturbating, like, 65% of the time.

Rockstar have confirmed that all gameplay footage came from the PS3 version of the game and the game will be available on PS3 and XBOX360 on release. The studio is currently looking for developers to port the game to PC and there is speculation that a next gen version of the game will appear on the PS4 and XBOX ONE in the future.

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