Going Medieval Announced for Late 2020

Developer Foxy Voxel revealed their new partnership with publisher The Irregular Corporation to deliver the settlement survival game Going Medieval. Going Medieval will be coming sometime in late 2020, but Foxy Voxel did offer a chance to participate in the closed beta. Of course, they did release a trailer that outlines some of the details of the game.

Going Medieval is set in 1346 Europe following an outbreak of the disease called the Black Death. The Black Death takes inspiration from the second outbreak of the bubonic plague which traveled across the continent along with the Middle East and Northern Africa, ultimately claiming sixty percent of the population between 1346 to 1350. Unlike the actual outbreak of the bubonic plague, Going Medieval changes history and brings the fatality rate up to ninety-five percent, along with the total disappearance of any form of government. The trailer focused more on cinematics than revealing any in-depth gameplay, but it did tease some of the challenges that the player will have to face such as inclement weather, wildlife, and other humans with siege weaponry.

All of the humans in the game are NPCs as Going Medieval is strictly a single-player game. There has yet to be a hint at a possible future multiplayer spin-off or expansion. Going Medieval appears to have taken inspiration from another settlement construction and management game, RimworldGoing Medieval features a top-down perspective as the player juggles between resource management, maintain villagers’ health and needs along with building sufficient defenses against the numerous dangers, just like Ludeon Studios’ Rimworld. While Going Medieval is promoted as an alternative history game, some villagers are programmed with hidden agendas which are historically inspired from survivors of the outbreak.

Going Medieval is a sandbox with the goals being set by the player and some in-game events but the over-arching mechanics focus on building up the village, ranging from a few houses to a large fortress with stone walls and underground caverns. Going Medieval has a listing on Steam.

Griffin Gilman: Gaming may very well be half of my personality, so it is only natural that I write about them. The best genre is RPGs, while the best game is Nier Automata. That's not an opinion but a matter of facts.
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