Today, Bethesda and Tango Gameworks revealed that Ghostwire: Tokyo is set to launch next month on March 25, 2022, for PlayStation 5 and PC. They, alongside PlayStation also showcased new gameplay with an official gameplay deep dive during PlayStation’s State of Play. Ghostwire: Tokyo puts players in the shoes of Akito, a young man who survived an event called The Vanishing, where the majority of the population of Tokyo simply disappear. Afterward, Tokyo is invaded by a cadre of paranormal creatures, ghostly apparitions, living urban legends and more. Akito has to team up with a spectral entity known as KK and together, they’ll have to fight back against the invasion perpetrated by a mysterious masked man known as Hannya.
With KK at Akito’s side, he gains access to a powerful elemental technique called Ethereal Weaving. This allows Akito to fight back against the evil spirits using the power of fire, water, and wind. As shown in the gameplay deep dive, once the evil spirits known as Vistors are dealt enough damage, their Core becomes exposed allowing Akito to finish them off with flair. This also gives ammunition for using Ethereal Weaving. Akito also has access to other ways to fight hostile Vistors including equipment like a bow and arrow, electricity-emitting stun talismans, and more. Akito can also stealthy takedown Vistors and parry attacks too.
As you take back and explore the city of Tokyo, Akito and KK will come across various entities that can help Akito. By collecting these lost souls and sending them back where they belong, they’ll allow Akito to level up and unlock new skills, abilities, and equipment. Exploring the city of Tokyo, you’ll be able to discover secrets to reveal, enemies to fight, and strange phenomena to witness. These strange happenings are inspired by Japan’s colorful folklore.
Ghostwire: Tokyo can be pre-ordered via the PlayStation Store, Bethesda.net, Steam, Epic Games Store, and other participating retailers. Purchasing the Deluxe Edition will give players the Hamnya outfit to wear in the game. The PlayStation 5 version gives players the bonus Biker Outfit.