Mobile gamers have been in a bit of a rut lately, there’s a bit of a shortage of really good and addicting games for your phone that you can play while on the move, but luckily Ironhide Game Studios have a remedy for this drought in the form of the next installment in their prolific Kingdom Rush series, Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance which has been officially announced by way of a teaser that features a catchy jingle (and a goblin janitor being snatched up by an inter-dimensional horror).
Of course, that small teaser doesn’t reveal too much about the actual game, but there are some things we can surmise about it just on general presumptions alone. We know that it will be another tower defense game, an addicting genre to keep the player’s attention stapled to their phone during transits, and that it’ll feature series mainstays like the ever charming and ever outclassed goblins as well as a tentacled something from beyond the pale. Maybe the leviathan is back and has been taking notes from Cthulhu? Or maybe the “Alliance” title is to show that unlikely forces need to group together to take down a threat that’s beyond any of them, and from the teaser image’s foreboding tentacles and threatening eye that’s likely the case.
We know for certain from their website that Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance will be available for mobile platforms, that being Android and iOS and will be available on their respective play stores, the Apple Store and Google Play. Kingdom Rush also makes its grand return to the PC via Steam, so that players who just can’t get enough tower defense on the go can also enjoy it from the comfort of their desktops, or from their laptops too if they want to play it on PC but still remain on the go. The release date is not set in stone just yet, but big news is dropping for Kingdom Rush fans next Thursday, so there may be more hints in that announcement.