Gears of War 4 Review Roundup

Gears of War 4 releases tomorrow and reviews from numerous sites have begun to surface from those lucky enough to have gotten their hands on a copy early.

In order to have gotten the game early, on October 7th, you would have had to pre order the Gears of War 4 Ultimate Edition for $100 or $450 if you ordered the new 2TB Xbox One S Gears of War 4 edition.

The Gears of War franchise has not seen a new release since Judgment in 2013 so the new campaign features a new chapter with new main characters such as JD, Marcus Fenix’s son, Kait, and Del. Marcus Fenix will also be in the game, although he is now much older.

Below is a list of reviews from credible sites to help you decide whether or not the game is worth the purchase.

Gamespot- Mike Mahardy– 7/10

This is a shooter teetering on the edge of something greater, but despite the improvements it makes to the storied franchise, its missteps hold it back. There is inspiration here, and creativity in the way Gears of War 4 rethinks its multiplayer modes. But the lackluster campaign and technical issues are blights on an otherwise exhilarating shooter. The result is a whole that doesn’t reflect the quality of its often stellar parts.

Polygon- Arthur Gies– 9/10

When I was finished with Gears of War 4’s campaign, I remember wondering why it didn’t do more. The next morning, I was playing the game again, not out of obligation, but because I wanted to. Taken all together, Gears of War 4 doesn’t completely reinvent the genre, and it’s not always “bigger.” But it’s a remarkably consistent, complete package with the kind of refinement and focus few other games can manage, providing excellent solo, cooperative, and competitive options that rank it as one of the best action games of 2016.

US Gamer- Jaz Rignal– 4/5

The Gears of War series returns in fine form. The well-scripted and fantastic-looking campaign ends rather abruptly, but while it lasts, it’s an exciting thrill ride of intense firefights and over-the-top set pieces. It can feel a little repetitive and relentless at times, but overall it’s a lot of fun. The game’s six-mode multiplayer PvP feels refined and well designed, and offers plenty of long-term potential, while Horde 3.0 is ideal for those who want to join friends in a long, and very challenging firefight.

Digital Trends- Michael Rougeau– 6/10

Gears of War 4 is not subtle. Any game where you shoot a plane down with a submachine gun from the back of a motorcycle couldn’t possibly be referred to as such. But it does have an interesting duality: The old and familiar gameplay and campaign structure against the fresh modes and features of multiplayer and horde mode, and the progression and microtransaction systems that tie them all together. If you come to Gears 4 looking for a classic Gears of War campaign, you might enjoy that aspect of it. If you want something fresh, you might be disappointed. If you’re only in it for the “versus” or “horde” modes, you’d likely be happy with no campaign at all, so who cares?

Destructoid- Brett Makedonski– 8/10

The nature of Gears of War 4 is that we won’t know its legacy until there are more games in the canon. That’s frustrating now but it’ll hopefully be exciting later. This was a fine first showing but it’d be nice to see The Coalition carve its own identity for Gears of War. Using Epic’s foundation is understandable and expected, but it often feels like a crutch. Marcus’ boy had grown up just like him.

In conclusion, based off these reviews, it would seem as though Gears of War 4 chose to focus on the multiplayer aspect of the game in order to give it longevity. The campaign, while in its usual Gears of War style, seems to lack the grand finale that gamers have grown accustom to in the series. Ultimately it is up to the buyer and how they wish to move forward. As always it may be beneficial to watch a few “Lets Plays” to see if the game is something you would enjoy.

Cody Arnold: Hello everyone, I'm the Editor of the Games Department here at I have and AS degree in Firefighting from El Camino College and a BA for Screenwriting from Cal State University Northridge but spend most of my time traveling and writing, though not at the same time. I'm an avid hockey fan, Go Kings Go! Right now when I'm not writing I spend my time working on planes at the airport. For serious inquiries feel free to shoot me an email at
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