After launching the latest in-game event for Borderlands 3, Bloody Harvest, Gearbox has revealed new information on what they plan to focus on for future updates. This includes new things such as dedicated loot pools for bosses, character buffs, additional mayhem levels to quality of life improvements like expanding the bank, skippable cinematics, and performance and stability.
Performance and stability are one of the top priorities for Borderlands 3. Gearbox said that “the first fruits of that labor will be released in our upcoming November patch, with various improvements game-wide.” Improvements to stability will also be included in the November patch. Performance and stability will continue to a focus with more fixes rolled out with each upcoming patch.
The expansion of the bank is one of the most consistently requested features. The first expansion will occur with the release of Takedown at Maliwan’s Blacksite. The bank will be expanded by more than double the existing space and further expansions will roll out with future releases.
To find more gear easily in the game, Gearbox has updated the loot pools to make sure that bosses will drop more specific bosses. Now, players will be able to find specific gear they were looking for from specific bosses. This is expected to be released as part of the November patch.
Gearbox will be tweaking certain player companions, namely Moze’s Iron Bear, FL4K’s pets, and Zane’s Digi-Clone-STNL in order to adjust their damage according to the relevant skills and gear players will find and equip. Gearbox is pushing for as many viable character builds as possible.
Mayhem Mode is getting a number of different changes in the future. One is the introduction of the first new level to Mayhem Mode, Mayhem 4. It will include tougher enemies that will reward players with highly synergized character builds. New Legendary gear will be available to those who complete Mayhem 4. Gearbox is also going to introduce a number of new things to overhaul Mayhem mode including more UI support, new Mayhem modifiers that will change gameplay, playlists, new rewards, and more levels. More information about Mayhem 2.0 will be shared when it is closer to release.
New vending machines are coming to Athenas, Atlas HQ, Skywell-27, Lectra City, Jakobs Estate, Voracious Canopy, Tazendeer Ruins, and The Pyre of Stars. Gearbox is also planning to add a way to skip cutscenes but in order to make sure mission progress isn’t negatively impacted, Gearbox has to make sure that doing so won’t activate critical events based on the cinematics. A target dummy will be added to the shooting range of Sanctuary III so players can test their gear if they want to.