French Lawyers suing EA for Gambling in FIFA Ultimate Team

According to French newspaper L’Equipe, Parisian lawyers Karim Morand-Lahouazi and Victor Zagury are taking Eletronic Arts to courts over the dangers that are present in FIFA 20 Ultimate Team. The lawyers are arguing that Ultimate Team is “pay to win” in which players must spend their money on card packs that do not guarantee the cards they desire. They argue that pay for randomized card packs would qualify to be gambling under French law.

My client spent €600 in five months without ever getting a big player. The developers of this game mode have created an illusionary and particularly addictive system.

L’Equipe reports that Karim Morand-Lahouazi and Victor Zagury are also seeking insight on the algorithm that dictates the chances in the card packs. They also seek to make the said algorithm published in a format that will be available to the public. “”We believe that a gambling game has been integrated into this video game because buying packs is nothing more than a bet. It is the logic of a casino that has entered their homes.” Victor Zagury  told L’Equipe.

L’Equipe interviewed Mamadou, which is one of the clients represented by Karim Morand-Lahouazi and Victor Zagury. Mamadou revealed that he has been consitently purchasing card packs since FIFA 20 released back in September. Mamadou claims the best player he has won in a card pack is Napoli defender Kostas Manolas, who is rated with only an 85.

“You quickly become addicted to this game… whenever I buy a pack, I tell myself that this is the last time, but I always do it again,” Mamadou said. The heaving spending in FIFA has caused Mamadou to fall behind paying his rent. He stated that he has not spent much as his friends who have spent thousands of euros in the game.

Karim Morand-Lahouazi and Victor Zagury have noted that European countries Belgium and The Netherlands have already taken action against gambling in video games back in 2018/2019 forcing EA to suspend the purchasing of FIFA points in their games. The lawyers aim to set a precedence that will have France follow suit.

Griffin Gilman: Gaming may very well be half of my personality, so it is only natural that I write about them. The best genre is RPGs, while the best game is Nier Automata. That's not an opinion but a matter of facts.
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