Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode has taken the gaming world by storm, but its developer, Epic Games, has run into an issue with Apple and Google over an alleged breach of contract that has seen Fortnite being removed from the Google Play Store and iOS mobile devices. In the ongoing dispute, Apple has sued Epic Games for damages that the alleged breach of contract has caused to the company. Apple has now stepped up the pressure by halting Epic Games’ ability to develop and release patches to Fortnite’s paid Save the World mode. Epic Games was planning on releasing the v14.20 update to the game, which would cause issues on the previous version rendering the game unplayable.
On the 23rd of September, Epic Games is pulling the game from supporting macOS. Epic Games is also refunding anyone who bought the paid mode including Upgrades and V-Bucks. The refund is only available to anyone who made the purchase between September 17, 2019, and September 17, 2020. Refunds may take as long as the 2nd of October to distribute pack out. As of September 17th, Epic Games has stopped distributing the game on macOS. Fortnite: Save the World does support cross-platform progression, so players can swap over to console or Windows, or through the Epic Games app or Samsung Play Store and pick up where they left off.
Fortnite: Battle Royale will be available for macOS users to play on. Due to Apple’s new restrictions, Fortnite: Battle Royale will not be receiving any new updates for the foreseeable future. Apple is still sitting on plans to terminate Apple IDs as a valid login option for Epic Game’s products, although that has been put on hold for the immediate future. It is still possible that Apple will continue to escalate the pressure on Epic Games and Fortnite as the lawsuit continues to drag out.