Fortnite Releases New Video Showcasing New Season: Fortnite OG

Epic Games’ biggest cash cow, Fortnite, has been teasing for the past couple weeks a return to its roots with the Chapter 1 map returning for nostalgic season. Finally, players have a name to give to the new Fortnite season according to a new video posted on Fortnite’s X account

The short video showcases the likes of old skins returning in a new revamped way. Iconic locations that have not been seen in years such as the chaotic tilted towers. Also shown was a return to the old weaponry that could be acquired in seasons past such as the desert eagle, RPG, Scar, and the original assault rifle. While not much official info has released, many leaks have been surfacing prior to the seasons launch on November 3rd. Allegedly some leaks indicate that the season will be going through all of Chapter 1’s seasons weekly through major time blips. This excited fans the most as a plethora of iconic moments and locations could be returning for one last ride. 

There is a section of fans who are wondering if Fortnite is finally running out of creative ideas for their seasons, as doing an entire season based on past seasons is very much a decision of the times. As various studios are beginning to bank on nostalgia factors to boost up their sales. This is very reminiscent of the MCU at the moment as films are solely relying on the past and fans’ memories as storytelling elements. There is hope that this is a one-and-done idea and the end of Fortnite OG will begin a new fresh era in Fortnite. But for now, players are preparing to take a trip down memory lane, to experience the peak of the game’s popularity in 2018. 

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