Its official, Ubisoft’s upcoming sword combat game For Honor will be getting a closed beta, potentially letting you try it out for yourself. You’ll be able to register for a chance to be amongst the few people to get their hands on it by signing up here on their website.
Once on their website, you’ll have the option to register and align your allegiance to one of the three factions prior to being chosen to take part in the beta. The key bit of information to note is that all the lucky individuals who get to partake in the festivities will get some exclusive awards for taking part in the beta.
Players who participate will also be given an emblem that can be redeemed after the game launches early next year. The Emblems of Old can be attached to weapons and armor to be worn or used in battle online.
The Emblems of Old represent the undying bravery and resilience of For Honor’s mightiest heroes. Formed generations ago by the elders of the Knights, Vikings, and Samurai, these badges rank among the land’s most ancient and hallowed honors.
For those who may be unaware, For Honor is a sword fighting game that sends players back to the days where vikings, knights, and samurai’s fought for land and honor. Players will have access to three different factions; Vikings, Knights, and Samurai’s. There will also be twelve heroes between all three factions, each with their own special advantages and abilities that make them useful for different types of battle styles.
Ubisoft also released new information about one character for each faction. There will be two “Heavy” heroes, as well as a new Assassin. Below is a description of the characters from Ubisoft.
- Peacekeeper (Assassin): Selected from the desperate, the humbled or the devoted, they are sworn to secrecy by unbreakable oaths. Quick and lethal, they fight with a short sword in one hand and a dagger in the other. Peacekeepers are the deadliest duelists of all Assassins, capable of winning a fight before their enemy even knows they are here.
- Shugoki (Heavy): Once the guardians of the Samurai, they have become as family. Massive and fierce, their weapon of choice is the kanabo, a huge stick that they only can wield efficiently. The Shugoki might not have the same agility as the other Samurai, but their rock-like resistance and demon-like strength make them an unavoidable force on the battlefield.
- Warlord (Heavy): Warlord is a name from an ancient Viking tradition, a name that is earned by only the true leaders in combat, those who are ready to spend their whole life servicing all who need it. Warlords’s shields are as versatile as they are strong and their sword, while simple in design, is sharp and deadly.
Lastly, Ubisoft revealed that there would be a limited time event called “War of Factions” which will be cross-platform for beta players. Players will be able to play as whatever character they want and all multiplayers victories will contribute to the “War of Factions” global leaderboard. Its important to note that, if selected for the beta trial, players will only contribute to the faction they originally pledged to at the beginning. So choose wisely.
War of the Factions is a global, cross-platform Beta competition among For Honor’s three Factions—Knights, Vikings, and Samurai—kicking off in January with our Closed Beta. All who sign up for the Closed Beta and get in are automatically enlisted in the War of the Factions. Simply pledge your sword to a faction when you start the Beta, and play to win.
As of right now, For Honor is scheduled to be released on February 14th 2017 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.