As many fans of the franchise know, a Five Nights at Freddy’s movie has been in the works since 2015. Yesterday, Scott Cawthon, the creator of the Five Nights at Freddy’s games, posted via his Facebook page that the production of the movie is being delayed.
Cawthon stated that for whatever legal or contractual reasons, he could not give a lot of information about the production and that he couldn’t give specifics about the information that he could give. Due to unspecified “delays and roadblocks,” the movie is effectively “back at square one” of production. This would seem to imply that any writing, casting, or anything else done for the movie has been scrapped. Despite this, there will still be a FNaF movie, it’s just that everyone working on it will be starting over.
Cawthon mentions that this is “not necessarily a bad thing” as it will allow Cawthon and team to get the movie on the right track from the get-go and “make sure that the right movie gets made.” Cawthon states, “I’m also going to be involved with the movie from day one this time, and that’s something extremely important to me. I want this movie to be something that I’m excited for the fanbase to see.”
This won’t be the first non-video game adaptation of the franchise as Cawthon co-wrote the novel Five Nights at Freddy’s: The Silver Eyes with Kira Breed-Wrisley in 2015. This book was received positively, scoring an average of 4.5 stars out of 5 on the Barnes & Noble website. If this is any indication of how the FNaF lore can be applied to non-video game mediums, then the movie could potentially be a rare case of a good video game film.
Cawthon ended the post by saying, “there are going to be a lot of great things happening in 2017!” Last month, Cawthon teased at the release of a new game later this year. The full post reads,