Firesprite Job Listings Have Players Speculating About Next Gen Consoles and Future Games

The PlayStation 5 was released in April of 2020 and already all eyes are focused on what comes next. The PlayStation 6 is currently being speculated to come out in 2027 or 2028 according to ReadWrite. Based on reviews of the court documents of the Activision Blizzard acquisition, it suggests Microsoft believes that new console will not be made by PlayStation until 2027 at the earliest. While the console itself seems relatively distant, between three and four years away, job listings are giving players clues as to what some of the first games of the next generation might be like. According to the Gamer, Firesprite studios currently has six job listings at the time of writing this article, all of which are for the same game

The usual job description reads like so:

We are seeking a highly motivated [job name] to join our [studio or specific team], working on a dark, story-driven ‘Narrative Adventure’ with genre defining goals.

This is followed by more role specific description, but the one for the Principal Graphics Programmer specifically mentions:

This huge, highly ambitious project takes atmosphere, storytelling, player agency and narrative firmly into ground breaking territory on next-generation hardware technologies.

This is the main part of the argument for this game being a pioneer of the PlayStation 6, the specific mention of next-generation technologies. The belief being that this differentiates from the PlayStation 5 Pro which is believed to be coming out possibly by the end of this year at the earliest. 

If Firesprite is working on one of the first PS 6 games, they haven’t given speculators much to go on in terms of what that game will look like. Narrative adventure games are probably one of the largest groupings of games with a plethora of different subgenres to choose from. Some popular ones that will come up under the category on Steam are The Quarry, Night in the Woods, and Gone Home. All that to say that Firesprite’s upcoming game is a mystery to all involved except those working on it, and players might not get the full picture till the next gen console releases, possibly in a few years time.

Jack Slomka: Interactive stories have been the core of my gaming experience. The rich narratives created in video games are only heightened by their embodied nature. My love for video game narratives makes me excited to see how new stories unfold, an experience I'm excited to share with you all.
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