Fatal Frame Wii U Zelda DLC and more!

Fatal Frame fans you may want to start taking selfies with that epic camera because some new outfit reveals from the upcoming Wii U title. This is the fifth entry into the puzzle mystery horror with a mix of thriller. The game has been titled Fatal Frame Maiden of Black water.

So far from IGN we’ve seen the classic Zelda look from twilight princess or the newer smash brothers games as an available costume. We have also seen the super sexy Samus Aran Blue skin tight suit available to wear as well. That’s one way to scare your ghosts walk around in tight leather ready to blast some Metroid. However you may end up looking a little silly carrying around a flashlight in an abandoned house in your elegant hyrulian clothing. All the same Nintendo seems to be doing some unique things with the Fatal Frame franchise to keep it relevant.

Some of the new features will be use of the Wii Gamepad for much of the gameplay making it a very unique experience. You will also have three intertwining story lines to dive into and uncover the mysteries. According to IGN this title will only be a digital purchase.  So make sure you have your credit card or Nintendo cards ready.

The game will come out on October 22 in the North American region. So get ready for some spooky scares, cool costumes, and gamepad fun. For those of you on the edge a demo will be available at launch.

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