Coming March 27, 2018, Far Cry 5 will continue the lineage of one of Ubisoft’s core open-world franchises. Set in present-day Montana and centering on an extremist religious cult, the setting is an interesting shift from the series’ typically exotic locales (and draws some unfortunate parallels to the present day). But while the fifth main installment will depart from the series geographically, it will keep a new tradition started by Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon: developing some outrageous, hyper-stylized DLC.
Announced today by Ubisoft, the Season Pass for Far Cry 5 will feature three adventures. “Hours of Darkness” comes first, transporting players into an Apocalypse Now-style fight against the Viet Cong. Next is “Dead Living Zombies,” which “pits you against zombie hordes in a variety of B-movie scenarios.” Last but not least is the real kicker: “Lost on Mars,” where players will “leave Earth behind to battle arachnids on the Martian surface.”
Also included in the pass is another treat: Far Cry 3 Classic, a current-gen re-release of the single-player experience that officially made Far Cry a household name. With one of the series’ most popular stories and an inspired performance by Michael Mando as central villain Vaas, the game should make for an enticing offer for those who haven’t had a chance to play it before. However, even if you don’t pick up the pass, Ubisoft noted that the re-release will come as a standalone to PS4 and Xbox One this summer.
Rounding out the press release are hints about a “map editor,” and a full story trailer for the Far Cry 5 main game. It should be a busy year for the Far Cry series, and if you’re willing to buy the pass up front, you’ll be locked in for the whole ride.