A lot of buzz has been surrounding Epic Games ever since they announced the Epic Games Store a couple of weeks ago. Taking the digital storefront by storm and directly challenging the undisputed king, Steam, Epic hasn’t been holding back with any of their endeavors. This includes partnering with Skybound Games to have The Walking Dead Final Season Finale finish up exclusively on their store, as well as giving away some free games.
Speaking of free games, Epic has already made a game free to pick up recently: Subnautica, the deep sea diving simulator. We also just found out that Super Meat Boy will be free as well starting December 28, and that won’t be the end of it either. Epic Games will be giving away a free game every two weeks for the entirety of 2019, that’s 24 games for anyone that is signed into the Epic Games Store, for free!
If there is any way to truly make yourself noticed in the biggest way possible, then this is probably the best way to go about it. Steam has given away games in the past, but in recent years they haven’t done it as much, and considering that their Holiday Sales Events prices are so ridiculously cheap, they probably aren’t inclined to make this promotion happen anytime soon. GOG has this promotion every now and then, but a large majority of their games are from the 1990’s to early 2000’s, sticking to their name Good Old Games.
EA’s online store, Origin, offers two specific annual services. One has you pay $29.99 and you get to choose from select games in a “Vault” to play as long as you keep the subscription. The other one is where you pay $99.99, a much larger fee, but the difference is you can play literally every single game on the Origin platform, even brand new games that come out. These services have their own caveats and fine prints between them, which makes the Epic Games Store very unique.
All you have to do is sign up for an account, which is free, download the Epic Game Store Launcher, which is also free, and verify that this your account. That’s it, no other instruction, no hidden fees (or rather none that we’re aware of), and no compromise. Once a game is made free on the store, it’s yours for the taking. The store is still in its Beta form, as a lot of games featured on it have yet to be updated and it does not have too many features to speak of right now, but the foundation is there. Don’t be surprised to see the Epic Game Store start dominating the digital retail market next year, as they have already taken the steps for total domination.