After releasing their teaser site for their game Paragon at the beginning of November and unveiling a new character in the consecutive weeks until this past Thursday, Epic Games finally showed us what Paragon is all about. Epic Games closed the Playstation Experience keynote with the Paragon announcement trailer and to everyones surprise, it’s a MOBA.
Five characters were revealed during the promotional campaign – Twinblast, Steel, Sparrow, Dekker, and Grux – and four of them make an appearance in the announcement trailer. Several other playable heroes are featured but have not been formally introduced. The trailer depicts an arena with two cores – similar to standard MOBA games – with a team of 5 heroes attempting to destroy the other teams core.
Actual gameplay was revealed in another trailer not shown at Playstation Experience. Unlike MOBA giants League of Legends and DOTA 2, Paragon features third person shooter mechanics.
Initials reports suggested that Paragon would only be available on PC but now it will also be available on Playstation 4. Cross-play between the two systems will be integrated
Online testing for the game begins in January, with paid Early Access coming in Spring, and Open Beta in Summer 2016. Sign ups are available at Paragon.com.