Enchanting Action-RPG ‘Blossom Tales’ Comes To Kickstarter

Indie Game Studio Castle Pixel, the creators behind the 2D platformer Rex Rocket that will remind you of games like Mario, Metroid, and Mega Man, though there is even more great news that was announced today, Castle Pixel has gone to Kickstarter to help out with their new Action-RPG Blossom Tales! A Story and game that will remind you of any Zelda game, though this time it is the girl who will be doing the saving around here. The Kickstarter goal for the game has been set for $45,000 with it ending on October 17th, and with a release date for the game to come on December 2015.

A girl name Lily is always interested in tales that involve heroism and danger, and her Grandpa is always telling a different tale, which this time players will follow a tale of the Kingdom of Blossom, where the one who rules the land is His Majesty King Orchid, and follow the amazing adventure of a brave girl who is the hero in this story, and she faces the dangers of having to save both her King and country.

Players will experience the classic SNES feeling, but with a touch of today’s technology. With that kind of experience in mind, the game has you explore hand-crafted dungeons that have pre-designed layouts and randomized areas, but that’s not all you will have an ability that will have you target enemies and bosses weak points with a target-lock system. Come into a world that is filled with challenging quests and characters that you will get to meet along the way. Be ready to feel like you are on the cliff just waiting for more as Grandpa tells the tale of the Kingdom of Blossom, though you will definitely feel engaged even more when the young girl Lily helps him occasionally giving players more enemies to meet, different story events, and more that all take you back to the days of SNES and just sitting for hours on a enchanting game that makes you feel like you are actually that Hero.

Ready to prove yourself to your kingdom and country as you save it from the evil wizard Crocus spell, go on a dangerous adventure, and find the ingredients needed along the way, that will help cure His Majesty King Orchid from everlasting sleep!

Here is the the Kickstarter video for Blossom Tales:

The features that you will experience in Blossom Tales, includes the following:

  • An Unforgettable World — Fierce snow beasts, creepy undead monsters, and cackling witches are a few of the many remarkable characters and menacing foes you’ll meet as you explore abandoned grottos, enchanted forests, and dragon-infested caverns.
  • An Unpredictable Story — Although the tale is being told by Grandpa, you can expect his lively granddaughter to occasionally chime in and affect the game. For instance, a quiet trip through a cemetery can quickly change if little Lily decides that an army of undead should rise and attack!
  • Classic ARPG Gameplay — Zelda being the most obvious inspiration, Blossom Tales offers a fun, familiar experience via an arsenal of unique spells and weapons, dungeons with combat and puzzle challenges, and a rich interconnected world.
  • A One-of-a-Kind Adventure — Blossom Tales will do more than fill you with nostalgia as you enjoy a fresh mix of fun gameplay elements. For example, the handy target-lock system will prove useful to adventurers as they explore dungeons with both randomly-generated areas and pre-designed layouts, resulting in an adventures that feels unlike any other.
  • Easy To Learn, Fun To Master — Accessible enough for any gamer while also providing enough depth for those seeking a challenge. Whether you grew up with the classics or this is your first ARPG, you’ll be captivated by the engaging gameplay, charming characters, and hard-won rewards.

You can find out more information on their Kickstarter page. Plus follow Castle Pixel on Twitter and Facebook for updates on the game and their Kickstarter campaign.

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