EA has released a new post on their website describing the progression system and in-game economy for Battlefield 5. One of the more notable parts of the post is a mention that goods bought with premium currency will only be cosmetic.
Battlefield 5 will feature two types of currency for players to spend. The article explains the difference between the two:
As you play and progress through Battlefield V, you will earn Company Coin. Company Coin gives you the ability to choose items outside the base progression paths to further expand and customize your Company. You can use Company Coin to unlock choices within weapon and vehicle Specializations. You can also use Company Coin to get cosmetic items, such as jackets, face paint, and weapon skins. At launch, cosmetic items will be available for soldiers and weapons. Vehicle cosmetics will be available in the first chapter of Tides of War.
In addition to the in-game Company Coin, there will be a premium currency called Battlefield Currency. Battlefield Currency will be purchased with real-world money and is spent solely on certain cosmetic items for a player’s Company.
Interestingly enough, it won’t be possible to buy Battlefield Currency at launch. DICE, the subsidiary of EA that’s making Battlefield 5, claims it’s because it wants players to get a feel for the game and the usage of Company Coin before adding premium currency to the game. Of course, it’s not too much of a stretch to imagine that they don’t want any bad publicity involving premium currency in the weeks before and after launch. We’ll have to see how it works in the game when it comes out.
As for progression, players advance through five different ranks to earn cosmetics and items that actually affect the game. Career rank is a generalist rank that awards Company Coin. Class rank improves based on how much you play a specific class and unlocks new primary weapons and Combat Roles, formerly called Archetypes. Weapon and Vehicle rank let you level up specific weapons and vehicles based on how much you use them. Higher ranks let you purchase specializations for them such as improved accuracy or durability. Finally, Chapter rank involves playing the story elements in Battlefield 5 and gives access to “chapter rewards.” The first Chapter arrives sometime after launch, so we’ll have to wait and see what the rewards could be.
Battlefield 5 launches on PC, Xbox One, and PS4 on November 20. Depending on your Origin Access subscription, you may be able to play it up to eleven days earlier.