DOOM Eternal Gains Demons that Travels between Player’s Games.

id Software released their first update for DOOM Eternal. The update is appropriately called Update 1 received a preparation blog post on May 8th in which id Software told players that, along with better optimization, DOOM Eternal will be getting new event content and new features. The first new feature is “Empowered Demons”. This new demon type starts off as a regular demon of any species, which can become empowered if they kill the Doomslayer during the single-player campaign. An Empowered Demon receives a beefy stat boost and is teleported to another player’s game.

If another Doomslayer can kill the Empowered Demon, that player will receive a myriad of rewards, including health, ammunition, and bonus experience that progress in-game events. If the new Doomslayer is also game killed, the Empowered Demon receives another boost and enters another game to continue the cycle until its inevitable defeat.

DOOM Eternal’s Battlemode is receiving new quality of life updates. The updates include Echelon Leveling for players that have already reached the maximum level and a mid-game death report screen. Other updates include improvements to poor network connections and tutorial changes. id Software is also adding the controversial DRM service Denuvo to Battlemode. The reception of Denuvo is not yet clear but will most likely receive its share of backlash.

The single-player campaign is receiving an expansion to demon tutorials, vertical dashes underwater and adjustments to adjusting toxic damage while swimming. Doom ETERNAL is getting a feature that allows players to add friends via, their own launcher.

Lastly, id Software is looking towards the future and has claimed that they are making progress into Invasion mode and Doom Eternal’s first DLC which will be included in the Year One Pass for Doom ETERNAL. id Software has promised that they will be releasing new information in the near future.

Griffin Gilman: Gaming may very well be half of my personality, so it is only natural that I write about them. The best genre is RPGs, while the best game is Nier Automata. That's not an opinion but a matter of facts.
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