British hit show Doctor Who revealed a team up with their Tenth Doctor, David Tenant, and the Thirteenth Doctor, Jodie Whittaker, in a new game at New York’s ComicCon 2020. Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality will be an expansion of Maze Theory’s VR game The Edge of Time. The teaser trailer for Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality revealed next to absolutely nothing about the game besides a glimpse of the Cybermen and Daleks, the Doctor’s two largest rivals throughout the entire series.
Maze Theory so far has been clear that the new game mostly expanding on The Edge of Time, so most of the new game will not be innovating too heavily nor bringing any new updates to the core software for the game, although David Tennant taking up his role again as the Tenth Doctor will a completely new addition. Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality is planned to come out next year and will be coming out for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch. No plans have come out for a port onto the 9th generation consoles but it will be likely to have backwards compatibility.
Kaigan Games is developing another game based on the Doctor Who property; The Lonely Assassins is a found phone footage game that is being inspired by the episode Blink, one that is notorious for taking the Doctor Who franchise into the horror genre. Blink introduced the Weeping Angels, a creature that turns into stone when you look at it, but moves quickly when nobody can see it and feeds off the time remaining in their victim’s lives by sending them back time. The Lonely Assassins will feature Petronella Osgood, as played by Ingrid Oliver, and will be sharing more information about the Weeping Angel creatures who is be doubling as the game’s antagonist. The Lonely Assassins will be out on mobile devices in spring 2021.