At Gamescom, we were treated with yet another trailer for Dishonored 2 however this time it was a gameplay one displaying the stealth combat and special takedowns. One main factor of the Dishonored franchise is that it is mainly about player’s choices. This can be seen in this gameplay that there are different ways one could go about doing a mission, the player could decide to do the stealth way like in the first sequence or a mix of stealth and shooting enemies in the second sequence.
What makes this gameplay special from others is that in this small trailer it reveals some stealth takedowns players can do. By utilizing the shadow ability one could easily sneak up or past enemies, but while sneaking up on them it appears that you could take them out in one of the most brutal ways possible. The player could brutally chop the enemy into pieces while leaving the other hostiles nearby completely oblivious of what just occurred. Then against mechanical enemies you could dig your sword and remove the head and then break the gears to shut down the machine. This trailer could be viewed below.
There are two different point of views that the player can choose to play as. You have the choice “to play as either the first game’s protagonist, Corvo, or his daughter and Empress of the game’s world, Emily Kaldwin. Each will have very different abilities–you can see some of Emily’s in the trailer.” This helps back up their idea of player’s choice and allows a player to experience at least two different playthroughs. Dishonored 2 is expected to come out November 11th of this year for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.