Telltale Games has released their trailer for Episode 4 of their ongoing Batman series, Batman: The Enemy Within. The Enemy Within serves as a “season 2” of sorts to 2016’s Batman: The Telltale Series, with players’ choices from the original adventure carrying over and impacting the new story, although it does also stand on its own and is accessible to newcomers.
Episode 4, titled “What Ails You”, sees things coming to a head for our protagonist. In this penultimate episode, Bruce’s secret identity has been outed, and his double life is now crashing down around him. The Pact has set their plan in motion and little will stop them, and Amanda Waller is on the warpath. And perhaps most importantly, John Doe / Joker is not happy to discover the truth about his pal Bruce’s identity.
Episode four of Batman: The Enemy Within, “What Ails You”, launches January 23 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Mac, and mobile.