Dice posted an official update on Reddit explaining the “BB Update” and the future “Age of Rebellion” update for Star Wars Battlefront 2. The “BB Update” is adding BB-8 and BB-9E. Both astromechs are tailored as a support class hero for the Resistance and First Order respectively and share similar passive abilities such as quicker movement speed, counting as two people for capturing command posts, and passively healing themselves and nearby allies. Both BBs also offer a smoke screen and an ability that detects enemies. Out of the two updates “BB Update” will becoming out first on the 3rd of February while “Age of Rebellion” is aimed to come out later in February.
With “Age of Rebellion” being the major update for February, Dice is turning most of their efforts to fleshing out the original trilogy as they previously focused on the Clone Wars era. Dice will be adding several new planets and a new capital supremacy map now just called supremacy. Dice juggled between the Death Star 2 or Scarif, but decided to go with the tropical beaches of Scarif. Dice wanted to focus exclusively on ground combat with “Age of Rebellion” and the Death Star did not fit that aim. Unlike older capital supremacy maps, the second phase of a supremacy game will not see the teams fighting on a capital ship but will still be on the ground.
As well Dice is adding supremacy to last month’s update “Age of Resistance” with the planets: Ajan Kloss, Jakku, and Takodana. All the planets will be added to instant action for offline play. Unlike with “Age of Rebellion” supremacy modes, the second phase for “Age of Resistance” will still be featured on a capital ship. Either the MC85 Star Cruiser or Resurgent-class Star Destroyer depending if the Resistance or First Order lost eh first phase respectively. Dice also added balancing and quality of life fixes with both the BB Update” and “Age of Rebellion,” but there has not been any additions to space combat modes.