Developer Of The Binding of Isaac and Super Meat Boy Releasing Police Sim

The man behind the critically acclaimed games Super Meat Boy and The Binding of Isaac, Edmund McMillen, has teamed up with fellow indie developer James Id for his next major project. The game in the works is titled Fingered and is a police simulation and little else is known about it.

So, if you watched that trailer, you are likely confused. It reveals close to nothing other than a concrete release date and price. The game will be available for PC via Steam for $1.87 starting on August 18th.

Of what little is known about the game, it is clear that the focus is on reviewing cases and deciding which suspect “dunnit” in this self-proclaimed whodunnit. On the official Steam page for the game can be found screenshots of gameplay where witnesses supply clues and descriptions of the culprit to be used by the player to narrow down a wide array of very uniquely designed characters. A strong example of the sort of challenges to expect within gameplay is the following screenshot of a witness named Opposite Opie who describes everything opposite of the way is truly was.


McMillen’s previous games, The Binding of Isaac and Super Meat Boy, were both heralded as prime examples of excellence in the indie corner of the industry and are responsible for McMillen’s positive reputation among the indie community. Both 2D actions games, Isaac featured top-down retro Zelda-esque Rogue-like dungeons with all sorts of powerups that lasted until game over and a variety of creative and unique bosses, and Meat Boy is remembered for its over-the-top Super Mario Bros.-like sidescroller levels with unlimited lives and immediate reiteration after deaths. Both are incredible experiences and worth the price.

Speaking of price, Fingered will launch with a significantly lower price than its predecessors, charging only $1.87. Once more, the game will be available for purchase on August 18th, 2015.

Josh D. Alengo: Don't be afraid to reach out to me via email or social media.
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