The developer of Sniper Elite 4 Rebellion has announced that the game will now have PS4 Pro support. With the PS4 Pro support, the game is promised to have “enhanced frame rate, improved lighting and faster loading times.” The game is also said to have an increased draw distance, an increase of the geometry level of detail, improved shadows and increased image quality of reflections.
According to the Sniper Elite 4′s official website, the game “combines genre-defining ballistics, breathless emergent stealth, and gripping thirdperson action across the largest and most diverse environments ever seen in a Sniper Elite game.”
You play as Karl Fairburne. Set in Italy, you fight with the brave men and women of the Italian Resistance to free their country of a fascist government and defeat a new enemy that threatens to derail the allied fightback before it’s even begun. If he fails, there is no Operation Overlords, D-Day landing and no victory for the allies in Europe.
Sniper Elite 4 runs on the native 1080p on both the PS4 and the Xbox One and is the first game of the series to built from the bottom up for next generation hardware.
Sniper Elite 4 has a campaign for 1-2 players with dedicated co-op and adversarial multiplay modes. It aims to provide a definitive World War 2 shooter for a generation allowing for more sniping freedom across maps much larger than ones in its predecessor Sniper Elite 3.
The main goal of Sniper Elite 4 is as follows:
Hidden in a forgotten corner of the Mediterranean, a secret Nazi U-boat facility threatens Allied shipping.When agent Karl Fairburne attempts to assassinate the base’s Commander, he finds his target already dead, executed in person by a shadowy visitor. Karl’s mission has changed: Target Führer!
There are multiple ways to take Führer down, so it should have great replay value.
Sniper Elite 4 is set to release on February 14 on PS4, Xbox One and PC.