Back on October 1, Dead by Daylight’s Instagram released a video circling October 19. All we were given in the video was a couple drawings of some fleshy-looking flowers and the title ‘The Hallowed Blight”. Speculations were made in the comments about what was going to be happening, namely an event. And on October 19, it happened: The Hallowed Blight came to Dead by Daylight.
Above are cutscenes from the event, clips that show when the game starts. Not only does it show off the familiar fleshy flowers from the Instagram trailer, but it shows a mysterious man collecting the essence from them. And what does he do with the essence? Puts it into the back of our killers from the game.
Not only that but each vial has a specific number on in, 211425 is the number shown on this close-up of one of the killers, The Wraith, in the game. The vial of essence sputters in game, and causes the villain to glow the same color as the plants.
The mystery continues however, as each day, a journal entry pops up when the game opens, talking about the putrid nectar.
There have been four entries (so far), and in the third one we learn that these fleshy plants are called “Pustulas”, or cankerous blooms. We can also assume these journal entries are from the mysterious figure we saw in the cutscenes. Each day a new journal entry comes out to talk about the mystery that’s unfolded around this Hallowed Blight.
And this isn’t even the event. This is just explaining the event. The event itself, in gameplay form, is simple. All the killers are given a fun and new spooky Halloween skin, focused around the Pustulas putrid nectar (as shown above). Some of the survivors are given skins of their own that puts them into a Victorian-style era, and the lobby screen is just a tad bit spookier with the Pustulas plants hanging around in the background and a few jack-o-lanterns scattered about.
The gameplay itself stays the same during online play, except the Pustulas are scattered about in the maps. Both the Killers and Survivors can collect the putrid nectar from these plants, and use them for either in-game benefits, or save them up to purchase the event skins.
Whether you’re in for the extra gameplay of sneaking around just a little bit longer as either Survivor or Killer, or you’re in for the lore, building the mystery around the Man and the Pustulas and what it’s doing to the Killers, Dead by Daylight has plenty in store. The Hallowed Blight Event is still live until November 2, but each day brings new questions and new answers with the mystery.