As a way to celebrate the release of Day By Deadlight four years ago, Behavior Interactive has announced that a new DLC will be released crossing over with Konami’s Silent Hill franchise. This announcement was shared on the Dead by Deadlight website, along with a trailer and concept photos to go along with the announcement. The crossover will also feature collaborations with Akira Yamaoka (who composes the score for Silent Hill) and Michel F. April (who composes the score for Dead by Daylight). The Chapter featuring this DLC will feature popular concepts from the franchise such as Pyramid Head (whose biggest emphasis is on how his attacks are ranged and have the ability to go through objects to hit their target, the map of Midqich Elementary School, and even feature a new survivor under the name of Cheryl Mason (also known as Heather from Silent Hill 3).
“We are so thrilled to welcome Silent Hill as Chapter 16 of Dead by Deadlight. Silent Hill is such an iconic video game license and to add it to our legendary roster of horror is truly an honor,” says Mathieu Cote, the developer of Dead by Daylight, says in their recent blog post. “We hope players will have as much fun discovering this Chapter as we had in making it.”
This is not the first time a Dead by Daylight DLC release has been inspired by other horror games. The first notable one was based on Valve’s Left 4 Dead and has seen other titles such as A Nightmare on Elm Street, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Scream. Currently, Dead by Daylight is available on the Public Test Build on Steam and will be launched later on PC and consoles (Xbox One, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch) on June 16th, 2020. It is still unknown if the update applies to Android and iOS devices.