Chiliad Mystery Guru, a crowdsourced modding and mystery hunting team that has a knack for sifting through code and secret content hidden in GTA V has found a mission involving aliens and a crashed flying saucer within the new update that brought Gunrunning to the game. The update introduced underground bases, brand new weapons, as well as new vehicles to GTA V Online. However, deep within the code of the new update there were files that hinted at aliens being located nearby the Zancudo Military base.
SSj5_Tadden, one of the members of the team stated on Reddit, that it took “much hard work, two weeks of sleepless nights and years of research” to find this code. The mission that entails the alien encounter involves players heading to a location to steal some supplies only to arrive to a crashed UFO site riddled with dead scientists and soldiers. After retrieving an alien egg players then have to fight off extraterrestrials attempting to get it back. The Chiliad Mystery Guru Team worked quite hard attempting to find ways to access this code.
After many attempts Guru member Polivilas used a tool that he created to force the mission to activate. While accessing this code could be considered modding The Chiliad Mystery Guru Team have stated that they have not added any extra content whatsoever. Some players seem disappointed about the discovery of the aliens but others have hope that the mission could lead to something much bigger. However until the mission is activated properly there is no telling if this is the final version of the event.