Cyberpunk 2077 was one of the most anticipated games to make an appearance at this year’s E3. During the Microsoft press briefing a new trailer was debuted showing of Keanu Reeves as a character while also revealing the long awaited release date for the game. As we already know Cyberpunk 2077 is a new RPG from The Witcher developer CD Projekt Red. The company however took a different route in this title by using a universe inspired by a pen and paper game that will be played entirely in first person. This is an interesting perspective as just like many other traditional RPGs there will be cosmetic methods and character customization.
CD Projekt Red’s reasons form making the game primarily first person is to completely immerse the player within the sprawling environment. However, an element that has recently been implemented within RPG’s will be missing from Cyberpunk 2077. It has been confirmed by quest director Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz that the game will not have a morality system within the game. With no morality system, within the game this will allow players to make whatever choices they please without any major drawbacks. Choices will still have consequences but the developer will try to exclude the concepts of right and wrong choices from the game.
Tomaszkiewicz explained, “We don’t have a moral system per se, Cyberpunk 2077 opens the door to more or less moral behavior, and players can step through or burn the house down as they see fit. To complete it non-lethally you have to be very good at stealth. Invest in points that allow you to stealth better, use weapons that will allow you to incapacitate the enemy instead of killing them, to make the moral choices that will allow you to avoid killing people throughout the game.” This decision was most likely made to encourage players to make the choices their heart desires throughout the game. Cyberpunk 2077 will launch for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on April 16, 2020