Crimsonland Hits PS Vita on August 19

10tons’ twin-stick shooter Crimsonland, previously available on PS4, will be coming to the Vita as well on the 19th, complete with cross-buy support.

Lone space marine versus waves of baddies never gets old.

Players who have delved into the PS4’s indie game repertoire may already be familiar with Crimsonland, twin-stick shooter from developer 10tons featuring generic space marine number 2039458 fighting off wave after wave of mutant-alien-zombie-things. If you are and also own a Vita, or aren’t and still own a Vita, then get ready for more monster-slaying action: Crimsonland is navigating its blood-soaked paths to climb triumphantly onto the Vita on August 19th.

Reviewers have overall been quite happy with Crimsonland in its previous incarnations, proclaiming the game to be a fun, well-designed twin-stick shooter. After its release on PS4 many players began clamoring for the game to be ported to the Vita as well, and 10tons have listened to their fans. Best yet, for those who already own the PS4 version no additional purchase is necessary: Crimsonland fully supports the PlayStation’s cross-buy functionality, giving everyone who has already purchased the game on PS4 access to the Vita version on day 1.

Crimsonland is a simple game at heart: you run, and shoot. Depth is added to the game through its weapon and perk systems, both of which will offer you extensive unlock options as you play through the game’s 60 or so main missions. Where the game’s real meat comes is once you’ve unlocked all of the weaponry and perks and delve into the online leaderboards. The game features multiple endless slaughter modes, and players can choose from any of the weapons and perks they’ve unlocked through the game’s single player campaign to help them reach the top of the leaderboards and claim the title of best monster slayer — at least for a moment or two.

If twin-stick shooting sounds fun to you, watch for Crimsonland for Vita on August 19th, or go and pick up the PS4 version and start warming up your trigger finger now.

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