Creative Assembly and Sega Announces Total War: ELYSIUM

Creative Assembly and Sega announced on the Total War site, the new game Total War: ELYSIUMTotal War: ELYSIUM is free to play collectible card game, mechanically similar to Gwent or Hearthstone. Of course, Total War: ELYSIUM has some of its roots in the Total War series, having various generals and characters from across all of franchises games.

According to Creative Assembly, Total War: ELYSIUM differs from other collectible card games as each general carries a unique strategy and playstyle which should lend the game more heavily into planning and an overarching playstyle over have lucky draws and powerful cards. The largest change that Total War: ELYSIUM brings to the collectible card game is the ability to change the playing deck during a game.

Strive to build masterful decks, dominate on the battlefield, and to become history’s greatest strategist.

Since Total War: ELYSIUM, is a free to play game, it does have a premium currency called “amethysts”. Amethysts can be used to buy card packs and generals. However, Amethysts and card packs can be obtained for free by leveling up or completing daily missions.

As of right now, Total War: ELYSIUM contains three hundred cards and nine generals that draw from specific factions across all of Total War’s games. Total War: ELYSIUM is currently in closed beta for Android, but the game is intended for PC, iOS, and Android when it is fully released. The game does not have a current projected release date. At release Total War: Elysium will have a PVP mode and a PVE mode a launch, although it’s unclear how the PVE mode will be fleshed out.

Total War: ELYSIUM is being developed by a separate team and is not affecting the development of new mainstream Total War games, and Total War: ELYSIUM will receive content updates in tandem with new Total War games.

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