Command and Conquer Remasters are Getting Source Code Released as Well

Electronic Arts and Petroglyph Studios have been working and are now weeks away from releasing the remaster of Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun, and Red Alert in the Remaster Collection. One question that Petroglyph Studios has avoided answering up to now is if Command & Conquer Remastered Collection will support mods at launch. Producer Jim Vessella finally gave an answer on Reddit.

Electronic Arts and Petroglyph Studios will be supporting mods for Command & Conquer Remastered Collection at launch and they are taking a step further as they are releasing the source codes for both games to facilitate an easier time building mods. TiberianDawn.dll and RedAlert.dll and their corresponding source code will be available under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 license.

Petroglyph Studios is also bringing back map editor to tweak new battlefields for the new mods. Petroglyph Studios demonstrated the capabilities for modding with being able to tinker with the source code by demonstrating a Brotherhood of Nod version of the Mammoth Tank, who’s primary cannon fired nuclear warheads. Mods will be available on launch and can be downloaded on the Steam workshop or in the game menus on the Origin launcher.

Producer Jim Vessella says that Petroglyph Studios is working on developing LAN support but that will not be available on launch. As of right Petroglyph Studios has not been able to properly test LAN capabilities but it is still a priority for the studio and were preparing to begin work on LAN before COVID-19 outbreak and the shift to working at home.

Petroglyph Studios hopes that the supporting of mods and the addition of map editor will help revitalize the Command & Conquer brand and possible bring more popularity back in the real-time strategy genre as a whole since Command & Conquer is one of the oldest real-time strategy series with the first game coming out in 1995.

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