On May 20th, CCP Games announced the third chapter in the Invasion expansion for the MMO EVE Online. Invasion is a free expansion and has been playable by every player as there are no milestones that need to be cleared first. Invasion revolves around an invasion of EVE Online’s galaxy, New Eden, by an extra-galactic fleet called the Triglavian Collective. Triglavian Collective has been the most challenging enemy players in EVE Online have faced, with the Triglavian Collective focused on securing sectors with valuable resources. Defeating Triglavian Collective ships offers rare and powerful loot, and as an additional effect of the extra-galactic invasion, the normal NPC factions have reduced their tendencies towards combat against players.
The second chapter has pushed the narrative further, with the Triglavian Collective pushing deeper into New Eden. The second chapter features diverging storylines for players. Players can split between siding with the human empires of New Eden or the Triglavian Collective. The second chapter added a new ship from the Triglavian Collective’s fleet, players can pilot the Zirnitra, a Triglavian Dreadnought, and one of the hardest hitting ships available to be acquired.
“Chapter 3 delivers a universe-changing event with a series of activities and player-driven decisions that will span the summer and change the landscape of EVE forever!”
Now, a year since the release of the first chapter, the final entry into the Invasion expansion has been released. CCP Games promises that the closing narrative arc will slowly be rolled out over the next few weeks and months, with the story taking particular turns depending on the actions of all the players although the final result will change the politics that dictate New Eden. Players will now have to take sides between the human empires that have been in the game since its launch seventeen years ago, who all have merged into one faction EDENCOM or the Triglavian Collective.
The invasion has now expanded into a galactic wide war. Both factions will be featuring new ships, and structures to add in the war, EDENCOM will feature structures built around a defensive strategy as what star systems EDENCOM has are being under constant siege. The Triglavian Collective naturally will be more offensively featured, along with finally securing the territory they have captured. CCP Games CEO Hilmar V. Pétursson claims that this final chapter is the best way to celebrate the game’s seventeenth birthday.