The newest entry in the Call Of Duty franchise has only been out for a day and it’s already being called one of the worst of the series. A lackluster campaign riddled with mini-warzone missions and a mere 4 hour long runtime, alongside multiplayer being essentially what Modern Warfare 2 should have been, in addition to a seemingly thrown in Zombies mode which again is just another Warzone addition. Call Of Duty has been catching a lot of flack in recent years due to the blatant prioritization of their battle royale mode, Warzone and its ever so clear in their newest title. But to add even more fuel to the flames its been revealed from a Jason Schreier Bloomberg report that the game was only in development for 16 months, compared to Activision’s normal 3 year development period.
Modern Warfare 3 was conceived to fill a gap in the Call of Duty release schedule. For several months, many developers believed it would be an expansion, but Activision insists that was never the case. This story goes inside the game’s development: https://t.co/yRK8kaLWIc pic.twitter.com/iGY862SUOJ
— Jason Schreier (@jasonschreier) November 9, 2023
There was much speculation from the Call of Duty community that Modern Warfare 3 was a secret DLC for Modern Warfare 2, as all of the content that should have been in last year’s MW2 was marketed for this year’s MW3. This report from Bloomberg, in which a plethora of Activision and Sledgehammer Games staff, whom some are choosing to remain anonymous, spilled on the horrible development of Modern Warfare 3, further emphasized the DLC theory as true as many of the development team were convinced that they were working on a bigger expansion for Modern Warfare 2. A last-minute decision prompted the project to be changed to a completely different title that being Modern Warfare 3. Another interesting thing that occurred prior to the game’s launch was that on PlayStation, MW3 was listed as an expansion for Modern Warfare 2 on the trophies list. Modern Warfare 2 is being rebranded to “Call of Duty HQ”.
This has put even more strain on the fanbase’s faith on Activision as a developer as in the same Bloomberg article it is said that the Sledgehammer team wanted to work on Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare 2, but were promptly shut down and forced to crunch for Modern Warfare. This is also not a good look on the franchise’s new owners, Xbox, which spent quite a lot of cash in order to acquire the IP. The game is currently sitting at a 53 Metascore on Metacritic, while the user ratings have not been uploaded as of yet. None of this seems to matter though as players for some reason continue to buy and give Activision the money they so desperately crave. Players have to remember that your wallet determines what games are made in the future and its not ridiculous to assume that Modern Warfare 3 will be a big moneymaker as Modern Warfare 2 made a billion dollars 10 days after release.