By 2019 PS4 To Outsell Xbox One By 30 Million Units

As of now there is no question of which current gen console is doing the best on the market. With the PS4 having sold 36 million units, and the Xbox One having only sold around 18 million. Microsoft has not actually officially released how many Xbox Ones they have sold, but a few months ago it was reported that around 18 million active Xbox Ones were on the market. By 2019 it is expected that there will be a total of 108 million units sold between the two, PS4 accounting for 69 million and Xbox Ones accounting for the remaining 39 million. Although these numbers don’t explain which game system is necessarily the better one, these do tell you which system is probably the best to find online matches or which system your friends already have. These numbers were made by TJ Wagner in his presentation for the Gaming Developers Conference.

Last year, Xbox boss Phil Spencer was nervous that they would not be able to catch up to the PS4’s sales, but later said that “we’re not motivated by beating Sony, we’re motivated by gaining as many customers as we can,” which could be seen by allowing themselves to already fall so far behind Sony’s Playstation. This could be seen in the numbers predicted for the future as well as the gap between the two consoles grows more and more.

Within Wagner’s presentation, there are more than just numbers. There are a few interesting details about the free to play market on the consoles.

Eric Chang: Writing from Boston University. Enjoys playing video games. Currently playing Far Cry 3 and Borderlands 2.
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